105 Funny Quotes About Women: Good Humor To Make Her Laugh

by Alex Morgan February 24, 2025 15 min read

Humor has always been a wonderful way to understand and celebrate the differences between men and women. From the mysteries of the female mind to the amusing realities of relationships, funny quotes about women touch on universal truths that make us smile, laugh, and sometimes nod in knowing agreement.

This collection brings together 105 hilarious observations about women from comedians, writers, and everyday wisecracks. Whether you're looking for a good laugh or seeking the perfect line to break the ice, these quotes showcase the lighter side of gender dynamics.

Women are like police, they can have all the evidence in the world but they still want a confession.

Top Funny Quotes About Women

When Trying to Understand Women

  1. "I never knew what hard work was until I tried to please a woman."

A simple truth many men discover early in relationships – women's standards can be wonderfully high!

  1. "Women are like police, they can have all the evidence in the world but they still want a confession."

This quote perfectly captures how women often seek verbal confirmation even when the facts are clear.

  1. "Being a woman is a terribly difficult task since it consists principally in dealing with men." - Joseph Conrad

Conrad flips the script by suggesting women have the more challenging role in male-female dynamics.

  1. "If a woman tells you she's twenty and looks sixteen, she's twelve. If she tells you she's twenty-six and looks twenty-six, she's damn near forty." - Chris Rock

Chris Rock's classic take on how age perception works in dating reveals a humorous truth about appearances.

  1. "We always hold hands. If I let go, she shops." - Henny Youngman

Youngman's quip about shopping habits remains as funny today as when he first said it.

While these quotes take a humorous look at women, check out our collection of Inspiring Women's Day Quotes to celebrate the strength and achievements of women throughout history.

If the world were ruled by women then there would be no war... Just a couple of nations not talking with each other.

Hilarious Quotes About Men And Women

  1. "If the world were ruled by women then there would be no war... Just a couple of nations not talking with each other."

This quote hilariously suggests women might replace physical conflict with the silent treatment.

  1. "As long as a woman can look ten years younger than her own daughter, she is perfectly satisfied." - Oscar Wilde

Wilde's witty observation about vanity still rings true more than a century later.

  1. "I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships." - Gilda Radner

Radner's self-deprecating humor highlights some amusing benefits of being female.

  1. "I went home with this French guy because he said something adorable like, 'I have an apartment.'" - Amy Schumer

Schumer's down-to-earth comedy shows how sometimes the simplest things can be attractive.

  1. "I don't think a man who is fifteen years younger than me should tell me he is proud of me unless he is my sober coach or my time-travel dad." - Amy Poehler

Poehler brings her sharp humor to the topic of age differences and unsolicited validation.

Enjoyed these quotes about women? Our Funny Anniversary Quotes for Couples offers more laughs to share with your significant other on your special day.

If women didn

Words of Wisdom About Women

  1. "If women didn't exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning." - Aristotle Onassis

Onassis acknowledges how women give purpose to wealth and success for many men.

  1. "Whatever women do, they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult." - Charlotte Whitton

Whitton's quote starts with a complaint but ends with a mic drop moment of female confidence.

  1. "When a woman says 'what?' it's not because she didn't hear you. She's giving you a chance to change what you said."

This humorous warning highlights women's talent for offering second chances to say the right thing.

  1. "Boys will be boys, but perhaps girls will be something better."

A playful twist on the old saying, suggesting females might hold themselves to higher standards.

  1. "God created man and rested. God created woman and nobody has rested since."

This classic line suggests the energy and impact women bring to the world.

If these quotes made you chuckle, surprise your spouse with our handpicked Funny Love Quotes For Wife that show affection with a side of humor.

The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he

Observations on Female Nature

  1. "A man is judged by his suit, a woman by the way she ties it all together."

A nod to women's eye for detail and their ability to create cohesive impressions.

  1. "Guys are like miniskirts. If you're a girl, you want them long enough to cover the essentials."

This clever clothing metaphor outlines what many women look for in a partner.

  1. "The only time a woman really succeeds in changing a man is when he's a baby." – Natalie Wood

Wood points out the futility of trying to change adult men with this witty observation.

  1. "Women are scientifically proven to be right even when they're wrong."

A humorous take on women's confidence and persuasiveness in arguments.

  1. "A girl can wait for the right man to come along, but in the meantime, she can have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones." – Cher

Cher's practical wisdom makes waiting for "the one" sound much more enjoyable.

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Funny Men's Quotes About Women

What Men Really Think

  1. "Here's all you have to know about men and women: women are crazy, men are stupid. And the main reason women are crazy is that men are stupid." - George Carlin

Carlin's trademark bluntness perfectly sums up his theory on gender dynamics.

  1. "Men are very tough, very critical of me. I think they expect you to basically just be a picture. They don't want to hear you speak." - Chrissy Teigen

Teigen calls out the superficial expectations some men have for women in the public eye.

  1. "Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes." - Jim Carrey

Carrey's twist on the classic saying reveals the unsung patience of supportive women.

  1. "A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon." - Arnold Haultain

This quote highlights women's talent for non-verbal communication which men often miss.

  1. "When women go wrong, men go right after them." - Mae West

West's classic double entendre about attraction to "bad girls" still gets laughs today. For a more heartfelt approach specifically for Mother's Day, see our collection of Mother's Day Messages To Wife that balances humor with appreciation.

In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on a woman.

The Challenges of Marriage

  1. "In passing, also, I would like to say that the first time Adam had a chance he laid the blame on a woman." - Nancy Astor

Astor points out that men blaming women goes back to the very beginning.

  1. "I told my wife the truth. I told her I was seeing a psychiatrist. Then she told me the truth: that she was seeing a psychiatrist, two plumbers, and a bartender." - Rodney Dangerfield

Dangerfield's self-deprecating humor about marital troubles is timeless.

  1. "When a man opens a car door for his wife, it's either a new car or a new wife." - Prince Philip

The late Duke of Edinburgh was known for his sharp, sometimes shocking humor.

  1. "I love women. They're the best thing ever created. If they want to be like men and come down to our level, that's fine." – Mel Gibson

Gibson manages to compliment and offend in the same breath with this backhanded praise.

  1. "Women are like elephants to me. I like to look at 'em, but I wouldn't want to own one." – W.C. Fields

Fields' old-fashioned take shows how humor about women has evolved over time.

I married Miss Right. I just didn

Men's Relationship Struggles

  1. "If women ran the world, we wouldn't have wars, just intense negotiations every 28 days." – Robin Williams

Williams brings his unique energy to this observation about hormonal cycles.

  1. "I asked my wife where she wanted to go for our anniversary. 'Somewhere I haven't been in a long time!' she said. So I suggested the kitchen." – Henny Youngman

Youngman's classic marriage joke plays on outdated gender roles for laughs.

  1. "I married Miss Right. I just didn't know her first name was Always."

A clever wordplay about wives always being right that many husbands might relate to.

  1. "The best way to get a woman to argue with you is to agree with her." – Billy Connolly

Connolly points out the puzzling paradox that can happen in disagreements.

  1. "A wife is someone who'll stand by you through all the trouble you wouldn't have had if you'd stayed single."

This backhanded compliment acknowledges both the complications and support of marriage.

A good wife always forgives her husband when she

The Male Perspective

  1. "I'd like to get married again, but my wife won't let me." – Henny Youngman

Another Youngman classic that plays on the contradiction for humor.

  1. "My wife says I never listen to her. At least I think that's what she said."

This quote perfectly captures the selective hearing many wives accuse their husbands of having.

  1. "Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place." – Billy Crystal

Crystal's observation about different approaches to intimacy has become a classic.

  1. "A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong." – Milton Berle

Berle's twist on forgiveness showcases his signature humor style.

  1. "Women are like cars: We all want a Ferrari, sometimes settle for a Toyota, and end up with a station wagon." – Tim Allen

Allen's car metaphor is both ridiculous and revealing about men's idealized views.

A woman

Funny Quotes About Women's Mind

The Fascinating Female Brain

  1. "Why are women... so much more interesting to men than men are to women?" - Virginia Woolf

Woolf's question still sparks interesting conversations about gender dynamics today.

  1. "I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They've experienced pain and bought jewelry." - Rita Rudner

Rudner's clever connection between piercings and marriage preparation is spot-on.

  1. "A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's – That's because she changes it more often." – Oliver Herford

This classic quip about women changing their minds plays on multiple meanings.

  1. "One of the most difficult things in the world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money." – Edgar Watson Howe

Howe's observation about shopping habits exaggerates for comic effect.

  1. "I hate women because they always know where things are." – Voltaire

The philosopher's "complaint" actually acknowledges women's superior organizational skills.

  1. "The problem with life is, by the time you can read women like a book, your library card has expired." – Milton Berle

Berle uses this clever metaphor to show how understanding women might come too late.

Girls have an unfair advantage over men: If they can

Trying to Figure Her Out

  1. "Most women set out to try to change a man, and when they have changed him they do not like him." – Marlene Dietrich

Dietrich points out the irony in wanting to change someone and then missing what attracted you.

  1. "A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." – Gloria Steinem

Steinem's famous quote uses absurdity to challenge dependency assumptions.

  1. "Girls have an unfair advantage over men: If they can't get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb." – Yul Brynner

Brynner suggests women have multiple strategies at their disposal.

  1. "Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut and still think they're sexy."

This quote highlights the different appearance standards for men and women.

  1. "Women like silent men. They think they're listening." – Marcel Achard

Achard reveals the misconception that can work in men's favor.

  1. "The quickest way to a man's heart is through his chest, but a woman will take the scenic route." – Roseanne Barr

Barr's darker humor contrasts directness with complexity in this quote.

Women have two weapons: tears and silence. And they know how to use both.

Decoding Her Thoughts

  1. "A girl's favorite book is the checkbook."

This dated stereotype plays on financial interests for humor.

  1. "Women have two weapons: tears and silence. And they know how to use both."

A tongue-in-cheek take on emotional tactics in disagreements.

  1. "A girl's best friend is her mirror; a wife's best friend is her husband's wallet."

This quote exaggerates materialistic stereotypes for comic effect.

  1. "Women are like cats: You think you own them, but they're just letting you feed them."

The cat comparison highlights independence and self-determination.

  1. "A woman's mind is like a browser with 47 tabs open and you're not allowed to close any."

This modern metaphor captures multitasking and mental load perfectly.

  1. "A woman's thoughts are a maze, bring a map and you're still doomed."

The maze metaphor suggests the complexity of feminine thinking.

Her mind

The Mystery Continues

  1. "I asked her what she's thinking. She said, 'Everything.' I'm still recovering."

This quote captures the overwhelming response that leaves men speechless.

  1. "Her mind's so fast, it lapped me while I was still tying my shoes." – Milton Berle

Berle uses a racing metaphor to acknowledge women's mental quickness.

  1. "I told her she's complicated. She said, 'No, you're just bad at puzzles.'"

This clever comeback puts the responsibility for understanding on the man.

  1. "Her mind's like a circus: lions, clowns, and I'm the guy cleaning up." – Tim Allen

Allen's circus metaphor captures both excitement and challenge.

  1. "I tried to keep up with her thoughts. Now I'm dizzy and calling her 'Boss.'"

This quote admits defeat while acknowledging women's mental leadership.

Some people say,

Funny Quotes About Crazy Women

Embracing the Wild Side

  1. "My 20s and my 30s...were a time where you had to be a loud bitch to just find some space in the room." - Charlize Theron

Theron honestly discusses how women sometimes need to be assertive to be heard.

  1. "Some people say, 'Never let them see you cry.' I say, if you're so mad, you could just cry, then cry. It terrifies everyone." - Tina Fey

Fey turns emotional expression into a power move with this advice.

  1. "My wife's jealousy is getting ridiculous. The other day she looked at my calendar and wanted to know who May was." – Rodney Dangerfield

Dangerfield's classic wordplay makes light of relationship insecurity.

  1. "I told my wife she was drawing her eyebrows too high. She looked surprised." – Stephen Wright

Wright's deadpan style is perfect for this visual joke about makeup.

  1. "My wife got a mud pack and looked great for two days. Then the mud fell off." – Rodney Dangerfield

Another Dangerfield classic that pokes fun at beauty treatments.

I told my wife she

Life With a Feisty Woman

  1. "I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." – Rita Rudner

Rudner's take on marriage acknowledges the less romantic reality with a smile.

  1. "My wife said she wanted to lose 10 pounds. I told her to start with the makeup."

This risky joke plays on the weight of cosmetics for humor.

  1. "I told my wife she should embrace her mistakes. She gave me a hug."

A clever self-deprecating joke where the husband is the punchline.

  1. "Women don't dress to impress men. They dress to annoy other women." – Edna Ferber

Ferber suggests female competition rather than male attention drives fashion choices.

  1. "I told my wife she was overreacting. She threw a dictionary at me to define 'overreacting.'"

This joke illustrates the danger of using certain words during an argument.

  1. "I told my wife she's the queen of my heart. She said, 'Great, now bow to your ruler.'"

A playful power dynamic is revealed in this royal metaphor.

A woman

Surviving Her Moods

  1. "A woman's wardrobe is like an onion: Opening it makes you cry."

This humorous comparison refers to both size and emotional impact.

  1. "I told my wife she's one in a million. She said, 'So there are 8,000 of me out there?'"

Mathematics ruins romance in this clever comeback.

  1. "My wife's temper is like Wi-Fi: You don't see it, but it's always there."

This modern comparison makes invisible anger visible through technology.

  1. "A crazy woman will rearrange your life and then blame you for the mess."

A warning wrapped in humor about relationship chaos.

  1. "Crazy women don't scare me. Crazy women with scissors do." – Tim Allen

Allen adds a physical threat for comedic escalation.

  1. "A crazy girl's love is like a rollercoaster: thrilling until you're screaming." – Jerry Seinfeld

Seinfeld's amusement park metaphor captures both excitement and terror.

A crazy wife is God

When She Gets Unpredictable

  1. "A crazy wife is God's way of saying, 'You're never bored.'"

This quote finds the silver lining in relationship drama.

  1. "My wife's so erratic, she banned me from the house I paid for." – Eddie Murphy

Murphy's exaggeration highlights feeling unwelcome in your own home.

  1. "Crazy women don't break hearts, they break furniture."

This quote suggests physical rather than emotional destruction for comic effect.

  1. "I told my girlfriend she's insane. She said, 'Thanks, it's my best feature.'"

Accepting and owning the "crazy" label turns criticism into confidence.

  1. "My wife's so wild, she threw my phone out the window to 'free me from technology.'" – Rodney Dangerfield

Dangerfield's joke about extreme measures to get attention still feels relevant.


Funny Quotes About Beautiful Women

The Power of Beauty

  1. "Women rule the world because men are too busy trying to impress them."

This quote acknowledges the power of attraction in human behavior.

  1. "She's so gorgeous, I'd fight a bear for her. But I'd lose, because she'd cheer for the bear." – Dave Attell

Attell's self-deprecating humor shows both admiration and insecurity.

  1. "Beautiful women don't need makeup, they need a lawyer." – Rodney Dangerfield

Dangerfield suggests beauty comes with legal complications.

  1. "I told her she's stunning. She said, 'I know, it's exhausting being this perfect.'"

The comeback reveals confidence bordering on arrogance for humor.

  1. "A beautiful woman walks into a room and every man forgets his own name—except her husband, who forgets his anniversary." - Henny Youngman

Youngman contrasts immediate attraction with long-term memory failure.

Beautiful women don

When Looks Are Distracting

  1. "She's so pretty, I'd propose to her if I wasn't already broke from staring."

This quote exaggerates the cost of simply admiring beauty.

  1. "Her beauty's so distracting, I crashed my car into my own garage."

Physical comedy meets beauty-induced distraction in this visual joke.

  1. "She's so hot, I'd flirt with her shadow if it didn't run away first."

Self-deprecation meets impossible standards in this creative image.

  1. "She's so pretty, I forgot how to blink and now I need eye drops." – Tim Allen

Allen takes the "can't take my eyes off you" concept to a medical extreme.

  1. "Beautiful women don't need to talk, they just wink and bankrupt you." – W.C. Fields

Fields suggests beauty has economic power that doesn't require words.

I told her she

Beauty and Its Effects

  1. "A gorgeous woman can make you forget your lines and your taxes."

This quote links physical attraction to mental distraction with financial consequences.

  1. "I told her she's a perfect 10. She said, 'Add a zero, I'm expensive.'" – Kevin Hart

Hart's joke about beauty and worth plays with numerical ratings.

  1. "Her beauty's so blinding, I walked into a pole and apologized to it."

Physical comedy returns with this image of beauty-induced clumsiness.

  1. "A beautiful woman's wink is worth a thousand words and a million bucks." – Milton Berle

Berle attaches both communication power and monetary value to female gestures.

  1. "Beautiful women don't age, they just make time jealous."

This clever personification compliments women who maintain their looks.


The Price of Beauty

  1. "Her beauty's so unreal, I asked if she's Photoshopped in person." – Bill Burr

Burr's modern reference connects digital editing to real-life appearance.

  1. "She's so hot, I melted and she charged me for the cleanup." – Rodney Dangerfield

Dangerfield combines physical transformation with financial consequence.

  1. "Beautiful women don't need a crown, they've got men bowing anyway."

This quote suggests beauty creates its own royalty without formal titles.

  1. "A beautiful woman's charm is like a trap by the time you see it, you're dinner." – Oscar Wilde

Wilde's predator-prey metaphor warns of beauty's capturing power.

  1. "I told her she's stunning. She said, 'I'd slap you, but I'd ruin my nails.'"

The punchline reveals vanity trumping violent reaction for comic effect.

A beautiful woman


Humor has a way of revealing truths about our relationships and interactions that we might not otherwise acknowledge. These 105 funny quotes about women capture the complexities, joys, and occasional frustrations of gender dynamics with wit and charm.

Whether you're a man trying to understand the women in your life or a woman who enjoys laughing at how you're perceived, these quotes remind us that it's healthy to find humor in our differences. After all, being able to laugh together is one of the most important ingredients in any relationship.

So the next time you find yourself puzzled by the opposite sex, remember these quotes and take comfort in knowing that people have been navigating these same waters—and finding reasons to smile about it—for generations.

FAQs About Funny Quotes About Women

1. Are these funny quotes about women offensive?

Most of these quotes are meant to be taken in good humor rather than as serious commentary. While some reflect outdated perspectives, they're presented here for entertainment value. The best approach is to laugh at the ones you find genuinely funny and recognize that humor evolves over time.

2. Who are some of the most quoted comedians in this collection?

Rodney Dangerfield, Henny Youngman, Milton Berle, and Rita Rudner appear frequently in this collection. These comedians are known for their relationship humor and observations about gender differences that have stood the test of time.

3. Can I use these funny quotes about women in my own content?

Yes, you can use these quotes in speeches, social media posts, or casual conversation. When using quotes from known authors or comedians, it's best to attribute them properly. The anonymous quotes can be shared freely.

4. Why do people enjoy funny quotes about women?

People enjoy these quotes because they often highlight universal truths about relationships in a lighthearted way. They can help us laugh at common situations and see our own experiences reflected in humor, which can be both entertaining and therapeutic.

5. Are there funny quotes that women can use about men?

Absolutely! Many female comedians like Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, and Rita Rudner have created equally funny observations about men. A collection of "Funny Quotes About Men" would make an excellent companion piece to this article.

Alex Morgan

Alex Morgan

Meet Alex Morgan, the 28-year-old wordsmith behind Couple Hoodies LLC's hilarious content. This UCLA Creative Writing grad turned her coffee addiction into a career, spinning tales of love and laughs from her cozy Austin apartment. With four years in the digital trenches, Alex knows how to make millennials and Gen Z snort-laugh at their screens. When she's not crafting the perfect pun, you'll find her burning dinner experiments or judging latte art. Her Instagram captions are way better than her cooking skills.

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